Inaugural Series with Stacey Ervin Jr

Exercise 1:
Get Down - Get Ups

“Sometimes life is going to knock you down, & that’s alright. It’s just up to us to become stronger through those times & pick ourselves up. This exercise strengthens your whole body & brings energy back to you so you can take on the day.”

Exercise 2:
The Celebrators

“We all know that life’s got some pretty amazing moments, & when they happen, you’ve got to celebrate ‘em. This exercise strengthens your legs & your core, so when the moment strikes you are ready to jump for joy in celebration.” 

Exercise 3:

“Achieving your goals is an uphill journey that requires effort, energy, and should include a lot of fun! This exercise will prepare your body & mind for the climb to top of your goals by strengthening your neck, shoulders, arms, core, legs, feet... Well, everything - so let’s have fun with it!”


Exercise 4:

“Everyone has standards for themselves. What they expect, & what they aim for. As we learn more about ourselves we tend to raise our standards. So in this exercise, that’s what we’re doing. Raise’em! Up, up, & up so we create the best life we can.”

Exercise 5:
Push Backs

“Sometimes it feels like life is just pushing us around. But there is something we can do. We push back, & create life to fit what’s right for our best good. When life pushes you, you push back. So that’s what we’re gonna do now. C’MON!”